Second Semester Biology Final Study Guide Answers

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  1. Biology 2nd Semester Study Guide
  2. Biology Second Semester Final Exam Study Guide Answers
  3. Biology Semester Exam Study Guide

Cards Term As cells become larger. Definition it's volume increases faster than it's surface area. Because of this, large cells have trouble moing materials in and out of the cell.

Term What is the process by which a cell divides? Definition Cell Division Term When cell divison occurs, each daughter cell. (Hint. Hino jo8e engine specs. Think DNA) Definition recieves it's own copy of the parent cell's DNA. Term Name the phases of the cell cycle in order.

Definition 1) G1 Phase-most cell growth occurs 2) S Phase-DNA Replication 3) G2 Phase-preparation for mitosis 4) M Phase-mitosis and cytokinesis Term Interphase is comprised of: Definition G1 Phase S Phase G2 Phase Term Cell division occurs during what phase of the cell cycle? Definition The M Phase Term Name the area where sister chromatids are attached. Definition The centromere Term Sister chromatids are visible during phase(s) Definition Prophase Metaphase Mitosis Term Name the phases of mitosis.

(Hint. PMAT) Definition Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Term During Anaphase, spindle fibers do what? Definition Pull sister chromatids to opposite poles. Term Plant cells have a and Animal cells do not. Definition Cell Plate Term By the end of both daughter cells have the same nuber of chromosomes as he parent had.

Definition Mitosis Term If you got a cut on your finger, when would your cells normally stop growing? Definition When they come in contact with other cells.

Term In eukaryotic cells, the timing of the cell cycle is regulated by protiens called? Definition Cyclins Term What is cancer?

Definition The inability of cells to control their growth rate. Term Cancer cells form masses called? Definition Tumors Term used to study the inheritance of traits. Definition Gregor Mendel/Mendel pea plants Term What is a hybrid? Definition A cross between parents with different traits Term What did Mendel do to prevent self-pollination?

Definition Removed the stamens from the flowers of plants Term The factors determine traits are genes. Definition Chemical Term Gregor Mendel realized that traits are inherited through the passing of factors from to. Definition parents offspring Term When Mendel crossed a tall plant with a short plant, the F1 inherited? Definition Both, the tall and short allele Term The principle of dominance say: Definition that some alleles are dominant and some are recessive. Term In pea plants the allele for tall plants is over the allele for short plants. Definition dominant Term If a heterozygous pea plant for is allowed to self-pollinate, some of the offspring will be tall and some of the offspring will be short Definition height Term The odds of flipping a coin and coming up with heads are?

Definition 50:50 Term The principles of probability can be used to.of offspring produced by genetic crosses. Definition predict the traits Term In the P generation, a tall plant is crossed with a short plant. The probability tha an F2 plant will be short is?

(How many percent?) Definition 25% Term Organisms that have two identical traits for a particular trait are said to be. Definition Homozygous Term A is used to predict and compare the genetic variations that will result from a cross. Definition Punnett Square Term The Phenotype refers to? Definition Physical characteristics Term The genotype refers to? Definition The genetic makeup. Term The principles of independent assortment states that: Definition genes for different traits can segregate independently. Example: RRYy can lead to 2 allele combinations.

Term What is incomplete dominance? Definition A situation where one allele for a gene is not completly dominant over another allele for that gene. Term What is codominance? Definition A situation where both alleles contribute to the phenotype. Term Traits controlled by two or more genes are said to be. Definition polygenic Term What molecule has the shape of a double helix?

Biology 2nd Semester Study Guide

Definition DNA Term The nucleotides in DNA are made up of what? Definition Deoxyribose, a Nitrogenous Base, and a Phosphate.

Term Because of base pairing, the of purines to pyrimidines is about equal in DNA. Definition percent Term In eukaryotic organismsthe DNA is located where? Definition In the nucleus Term During the process of, DNA is copied in two identical copies.

Biology Second Semester Final Exam Study Guide Answers

Each copy contains one strand, and one strand of DNA. Definition replication old new Term Name the four bases found in DNA.(Hint.

Biology Semester Exam Study Guide

ATCG) Definition Adenine Thymine Cytosine Guanine Term During the process of replication, a DNA strand with the bases TCAGT will form a strand with what bases? Definition AGTCA (Base Pairing!) Term RNA contains the sugar. Definition Ribose Term While DNA contains the base, RNA contains the base instead. Definition thymine uracil Term Name the three types of RNA. Definition Messenger, Ribosomal, and Transfer RNA. Term Translation is protien synthesis.


Translation involves all three types of. Definition RNA Term is the process by which RNA molecules are produced from DNA. Definition Transcrption Term The describes the sequence of nucleotides used to produce amino acids. Definition genetic code Term There are 64 different kinds of codon but only 20 amino acids. Because of this, a(n) can be specifies by more than one codon. Definition amino acid Term Genes contain what for making proteins?

Definition Instructions Term Genes for proteins can be turned on and off depending upon. Definition the need Term Breeds of all kinds of animals have been produced by selective breeding. True of False? Definition True Term Selective breeding is used to produce desired -blank- in offspring. Definition Traits Term Inbreeding is the not continued breeding of closely related individuals, and it can lead many genetic defects. True of False?

Definition False. It is the continued inbreeding of closely related individuals.

Term The crossing of a horse and a donkey produces a mule which is an example of -blank-. Definition Hybridization Term Mutations are the ultimate source of genetic variability.

True or False? Definition True Term Restriction enzymes are used to patch DNA fragments together. True or False. Definition False. Restriction enzymes are used to cut DNA into fragments.

Term Hundreds of restriction enzymes are known, and each one cuts DNA at a specific sequence of. Definition Nucleotides Term -Blank- is used to separate DNA into fragments. (Hint. It's not restriction enzymes) Definition Gel electrophoresis.