Administration Sop Manual
OVERVIEW The Administrative Manual serves as a guide to assist University employees in their day-to-day performance of administrative and management functions. The manual contains instructions for completing forms, shows reporting relationships, provides procedures for requesting services, and delineates responsibility.
The manual also serves as a consolidated reference document about the operations and programs of the University. ARRANGEMENT OF CONTENTS The Administrative Manual is functionally organized. The major sections are equivalent to the functional activities of the University organizational environment. The number assigned to each procedure is the key to locating the procedure in the manual. In some instances, it may appear that a particular procedure might be located in one or another section of the manual. The subject index should alleviate any confusion PROCEDURE FORMAT For convenience, continuity, and user reference needs, the format for all administrative procedures is standard. When a particular section is not relevant to the subject, a 'N/A' (not applicable) is entered under the section number.
Each procedure is divided into the following sections: Section Number Description Procedure and Format 1.0 Purpose: Describes the reason for developing the procedure. 2.0 Organizations Affected: Delineates which University organizational units, individuals, or classes of employees are affected by the procedure. 3.0 References: Cites the relevant statutes, policies, and regulations on which the procedure is based or which provide additional related information. 4.0 Policy: Includes a general statement of the University policy that generates the procedure.
5.0 Definition: Defines key terms used in the procedure. 6.0 Responsibilities: Delineates the major responsibilities of each affected unit, individual, or group of employees in effecting the policy and procedure. The responsibilities are not necessarily restricted to chronological order. 7.0 Procedures: Describes the procedure to be followed in carrying out the responsibilities. Whenever possible, the procedures are written in chronological sequence.
8.0 Appendices: Contains sample forms relevant to the procedure, special instructions, and/or clarifying examples. APPROVAL TO PUBLISH Each policy and procedure is routed for appropriate review, consultation, and revision prior to approval and issuance as outlined in Administrative Procedure Number 001 on 'Standard Procedure Documents.' All information in the Administrative Manual has been approved for publication by the executive officers of the University. Policies and Procedures may be posted on an interim basis pending final completion of the review process when deemed necessary by the President to ensure compliance with governing regulations and/or systemwide directives.
Administration Sop Manual
PUBLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION The information in this manual is published and distributed to the campus by the Office of the Vice President for Administration and Chief Financial Officer. At least one copy of the manual is issued to each reporting unit of the University. Each area which is issued a manual will appoint an individual to be responsible for incorporating new and revised procedures into their copy. As changes are received, the individual will inform the managers and supervisors of changes that are significant to the University or unit. REVISION The manual is designed so that the contents can be updated and revised on an ongoing basis.
Revisions result, in part, from the implementation of changes to existing policy, or new policy at the system level and at the campus, as well as requirements introduced by memoranda of understanding (collective bargaining agreements) with employee organizations. Any comments or suggestions should be brought to the attention of the Office of the Vice President for Administration and Chief Financial Officer, extension 3500.
The Administrative Procedures Manual (APM) is a manual that contains policies and procedures dealing mostly with the finance and administrative side of the university. This web version is the official copy of the APM ( in the event of any discrepancy between this online version and the official files kept in the Faculty Secretary's Office, the official file, which tracks all initiated and discussed policy changes from beginning to end, is authoritative). Any other printed material should be properly disposed of in order to reduce the reliance on an outdated print version. The format was converted from the original PDF format to a browser based format effective August 25, 2005. Any date after August 25, 2005 indicates new additions or changes to the manual.
To update any document within the APM please follow the process outlined in and at the. If while browsing the APM you discover an error or broken link please forward the information to Policy Change Process Updates, additions and deletions to the Administrative Procedures Manual must follow the guidelines outlined in the UI Policy Development Statement and the University Policies website. Policies in the change process will be documented on the University Policies website and can be tracked through each approval stage.