California Property And Casualty Study Guide

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California Property And Casualty Study Guide


Texas Property And Casualty Study Guide

Create your own flash cards!. Cards Term Risk Definition Uncertainty of loss. A risk must be uncertain to be insurable Term In a contract, 'you' indicates Definition The Insured Term Pure Risk Definition Chance of loss Term Peril Definition The cause of loss Term Open Peril Definition All perils except those specifically excluded Term In a contract who is 'we' Definition The insurer = the insurance company Term Speculative Risk Definition Chance for loss or gain Term Where are the rules of the policy Definition The conditions Term Exclusions are. Definition Things that are not covered Term Foreign Insurance Company Definition An insurance company that is incorporated outside the state where it is conducting business Term Substandard Risk Definition Classification of risk that is more than the normal acceptable risk Term Physical Hazard Definition Distinct characteristic arising from material, structural, or operational features that increases a chance for loss i.e. Being next to explosives Term Hazard Definition Anything that increases a chance for loss Term Where does the insurer make promises Definition Insuring Clause. Also called insuring agreement Term A, B, and C of Commercial Liability (CGL) are: Definition A - Bodily injury and property damage B - Personal and Advertising injury C - Medical payment Term What percentage must be vacant for a building to be called vacant?

Definition 70% Term A,B, and C of Commercial Property Definition A - The building B - Business's personal property C - Personal property, of others Term Declarations Definition Contract section stating who or what is covered, amount of coverage, policy period, and premium Term Indemnify Definition Making an individual whole, with no opportunity for gain Term HO-3 and HO-5 Definition Both are Special.

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