Micropay Meridian Manual

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Setting Options Description Messaging Settings HR User to Message The employee codes of HR users that are sent messages via a link on the Welcome screen. A comma must separate each employee code.

Payroll Users to Message The employee codes of Payroll users that are sent messages via a link on the Welcome screen. A comma must separate each employee code. BSB Format Settings Payroll Country The BSB Format setting is automatically updated according to the selected country. BSB Format A custom format that ConnX uses to show the BSB codes. Bank Account Split Settings Bank Account Split Dollar The amount paid into an employee’s bank accounts is split by a dollar value. Setting Options Description Evolution Common Database Setting Server Name The name of the server, including the instance name. NOTE: You can set which port to use when setting up a payroll database by adding a comma and port number to the Server Name.

Database Name The name of the Evolution Common database as shown in SQL Server Management Studio. Integrated Security Select the checkbox to use Integrated Security. Integrated Security uses a specified local or domain account to authenticate ConnX with the SQL server. User ID The user name used to authenticate ConnX with the Evolution Common database. This setting is necessary if the Integrated Security checkbox is clear. Password The password used to authenticate ConnX with the Evolution Common database. This setting is necessary if the Integrated Security checkbox is clear.

Edit Connection String Select the checkbox to make changes to the location of the Evolution Common database in the adjacent field Linked Server The name of the Sage MicrOpay SQL Server if it has been linked with the ConnX SQL server; it is only applicable if the two SQL servers are seperate from one another. Test Connection Select the button to make sure that the connection to your payroll database is correct. Payroll Database Setting Server Name The name of the server, including the instance name. Database Name The name of the payroll database as shown in SQL Server Management Studio. Integrated Security Select the checkbox to use Windows Authentication if the SQL server is on the same server as ConnX.

User ID The user name used to authenticate ConnX with the payroll database. Operator s manual farmscan ag pty ltd. This setting is necessary if the Integrated Security checkbox is clear. Password The password used to authenticate ConnX with the payroll database. This setting is necessary if the Integrated Security checkbox is clear. Edit Connection String Select the checkbox to make changes to the location of your payroll database in the adjacent field. Linked Server The name of the Sage MicrOpay SQL Server if it has been linked with the ConnX SQL server; it is only applicable if the two SQL servers are seperate from one another. Test Connection Select the button to make sure that the connection to your payroll database is correct.

Setting Options Description Payroll System Export Payroll System MicrOpay Meridian The data is exported to the Meridian payroll database. Export File for Transaction The path and filename for the exported transaction file that ConnX creates.

T&A System Export T&A System Kronos TKC Transaction information is exported to Kronos TKC. Kronos WTK Transaction information is exported to Kronos WTK. MitreFinch Transaction information is exported to MitreFinch. PaysTNA2000 Transaction information is exported to PaysTNA2000. TimeTEQ Transaction information is exported to TimeTEQ.

IDtec Transaction information is exported to iDtec. Kronos TKC Export File The path and filename for the file that is exported to Kronos TKC. This field is only shown if you select Kronos TKC on the Export T&A System drop-down list.

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Kronos TKC Pay Code File The path and filename for the Kronos TKC Pay Code File. This field is only shown if you select Kronos TKC on the Export T&A System drop-down list. Kronos TKC Schedule Shift File The path and filename for the Kronos TKC Schedule Shift file.

This field is only shown if you select Kronos TKC on the Export T&A System drop-down list. Default Kronos TKC Paid Pay Code The default code for the Kronos TKC Paid Pay Code file. This field is only shown if you select Kronos TKC on the Export T&A System drop-down list. Default Kronos TKC Unpaid Pay Code The default filename for the Kronos TKC Unpaid Pay Code file. This field is only shown if you select Kronos TKC on the Export T&A System drop-down list.

Kronos WTK Export File The path and filename for the Kronos WTK export file. This field is only shown if you select Kronos WTK on the Export T&A System drop-down list. MitreFinch TMS Export File The path and filename for the MitreFinch TMS export file. This field is only shown if you select Kronos WTK on the Export T&A System drop-down list. Pays TNA 2000 Export File The path and filename for the Pays TNA 2000 export file. This field is only shown if you select PaysTNA2000 on the Export T&A System drop-down list. Timeclock Device Code The code is used in the export file to refer to the time clock device.

This field is only shown if you select TimeTEQ or iDtec on the Export T&A System drop-down list. Department Code Maps to Activity The Department Code in the Time and Attendance system is mapped to the Activity field in ConnX. This field is only shown if you select TimeTEQ or iDtec on the Export T&A System drop-down list. Phase The Department Code in the Time and Attendance system is mapped to the Phase field in ConnX. This field is only shown if you select TimeTEQ or iDtec on the Export T&A System drop-down list. Task The Department Code in the Time and Attendance system is mapped to the Task field in ConnX.

This field is only shown if you select TimeTEQ or iDtec on the Export T&A System drop-down list. Role Code Maps to Activity The Role Code in the Time and Attendance system is mapped to the Activity field in ConnX. This field is only shown if you select TimeTEQ or iDtec on the Export T&A System drop-down list. Phase The Role Code in the Time and Attendance system is mapped to the Phase field in ConnX. This field is only shown if you select TimeTEQ or iDtec on the Export T&A System drop-down list.

Task The Role Code in the Time and Attendance system is mapped to the Task field in ConnX. This field is only shown if you select TimeTEQ or iDtec on the Export T&A System drop-down list. Employee Identifier Employee Login Id The Employee Login ID is used as the Employee Identifier in ConnX. This field is only shown if you select TimeTEQ on the Export T&A System drop-down list. Employee Export Code The Employee Export Code is used as the Employee Identifier in ConnX. This field is only shown if you select TimeTEQ on the Export T&A System drop-down list. Job Journal Use Job Journal Yes Job Journal is used in ConnX.

No Job Journal is not used in ConnX. Department Source Department Code The selected value is added to the department column of the export file. The Department Source setting is only shown if Use Job Journal is set to Yes.


Location Paypoint Cost Account Job Journal Export File The path and the filename of the export file that you want to create as part of the export process. Web Service Settings Web Service Password The password that is necessary when accessing the web service for sharing data with ConnX. Verify Web Service Password Key in the Web Service Password again to make sure that it is accurate. Setting Options Description Import Field Mapping When importing, map the mobile phone number to the following field in ConnX Personal Mobile The mobile field from your payroll system is imported into the employee’s personal mobile field in ConnX. Work Mobile The mobile field from your payroll system is imported into the employee’s work mobile field in ConnX. When importing, map the email address to the following field in ConnX Personal email address The email field from your payroll system is mapped with the employee’s personal email address field in ConnX.

Work email address The email field from your payroll system is mapped with the employee’s work email address field in ConnX. Leave History Settings Leave History Settings Import All Import all Leave History data.

Specified Date Import Leave History data for a Specified Date. You must set a date. Specified Period Import Leave History data for a Specified Period. You must set the period. Do not import Leave History older than Date This setting is only shown if you select Specified Date.

You must use the date picker or key in a date. Do not import Leave History older than Period This setting is only shown if you select Specified Period. You must key in a number of Days or Months to import Leave History for that period. The period is calculated from the PE date of the import performed.

Pay Advice Method Import Method Import PDF Pay Advices You cannot make changes to this setting because the Sage MicrOpay payroll database only provides Pay Advices in PDF file. Payment Summary Settings Import Method Import PDF Payment Summaries You cannot make changes to this setting because the Sage MicrOpay payroll database only provides Payment Summaries in PDF file. Setting Options Description System Information Settings System Information Settings Auto Accept All The related information is automatically added to ConnX during the import procedure. Auto Accept In Use The related information is only added to ConnX if it is used by other related fields or tables being imported.

Manually Verify You must view and accept the related information before it is added to ConnX. New Employees New Employees Auto Accept All The related information is automatically added to ConnX during the import procedure. Manually Verify You must view and accept the related information before it is added to ConnX.


Do Not Import The related information is not added to ConnX. Existing Employees Employee Personal Details Auto Accept All The related information is automatically added to ConnX during the import procedure.

Manually Verify You must view and accept the related information before it is added to ConnX. Do Not Import The related information is not added to ConnX. Employee Current Employment Auto Accept All The related information is automatically added to ConnX during the import procedure.

Manually Verify You must view and accept the related information before it is added to ConnX. Do Not Import The related information is not added to ConnX. Employee Payroll Information Auto Accept All The related information is automatically added to ConnX during the import procedure. Do Not Import The related information is not added to ConnX.

Micropay Meridian Manual Pdf

Setting Options Description Creation of New Employees is integrated with payroll Yes ConnX sends the changes to your payroll system. No You must make the changes manually in your payroll system (i.e. Manual data entry). Employee Payroll Changes is integrated with payroll.Immediate Updates will continue regardless of this setting Yes ConnX sends the changes to your payroll system. No You must make the changes manually in your payroll system (i.e. Manual data entry).

Employee Terminations is integrated with payroll Yes ConnX sends the changes to your payroll system. No You must make the changes manually in your payroll system (i.e.

Micropay Manual

Manual data entry). Bank Account Changes is integrated with payroll Yes ConnX sends the changes to your payroll system. No You must make the changes manually in your payroll system (i.e. Manual data entry). NOTE: The availability of specific settings depends on the payroll system you are using. Please refer to your ConnX Implementation Manuals for a more detailed description of the settings related to your payroll system. Editing a Payroll Database To make changes to the payroll database settings and details.