Mossberg 1000 Owners Manual

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I have 2 of them the super and the regular 1000. THey are imo the best autoloaders going. I have never, ever had an issue. You need to understand how the gas system operates and how to clean it. The piston shock absober is made out of a rubber type material.


THis is the part that you need to watch. When you break it down to clean just dont spray it down, take the piston are apart clean it, and let it dry before assembling. You wont have a problem. Guys that sprayed the piston area and thats it had issues. Its a shame that these guns were discontinued.

THey are work horses, mine has thousands of rounds through it never once has failed. Its a quality piece of machinery for sure.

Mossberg 1000 Owners Manual

Psychotherapy documentation manual. Parts are not an issue, eguns and a place in Texas that Smith sold all the parts to have everything for this gun. All you have to do upon cleaning it is take the recoil shock absorber out of the tube. Its really easy to remove and just sits in there.

I reach in there with a small flat head screw driver and just pull it out prior to any cleaning agents. The guns seems really complicated the first time you tear into one, kinda like an AR-15 its mind boggling.

After a few times you can really get the hang of it. I wipe all the powder residue away with an old Tshirt and polish the carbon off of the piston and compensator with some stuff called 'Never Dull'.

The stuff comes in a can and you just pull a piece off the wad and it goes a long ways. Its also great for cleaning the powder burns off the cylinders of stainless and nickel revolvers. I have been reading where this gas system can go literally thousands of rounds without being cleaned on the inside if the shock absorber has never been exposed to solvents. Another key is using no oil or lubricant its designed to operated dry according the manual.

The new absorber they sell now is supposed to be solvent resistant, but I am not taking that chance. When the gun was new I can remember dousing it with Hoppes #9 and spraying it off with brake cleaner like many others of course it was unknown at the time it would be a problem. Thus the reason there are so many of these guns out there being sold cheaply because they are known as jammers. I would bet a new gas auto of this quality these days would sell for nearly $1000 or better.

You can tell by the design, these were not just thrown together. The great thing is the only thing designed to ever go wrong is the rubber absorber.

Be certain this owner’s manual is available or reerence and is kept with this rearm i transerred to another party. I manual is lost or misplaced, contact Mossberg or a ree replacement copy. Ater perorming any work on your rearm such as cleaning, adjustments, disassembly or installatio n o any accessory, the rearm should be re-checked or proper unctioning beore ring live ammunition.

Firearms are complicated mechanisms. Any modication, alteration, or improper tting o parts may result in a dangerous malunction, damage to the rearm and injury to the shooter and other persons. The rearm’ s owner is responsible or the correct reassembly and unctioning o the rearm ater any disassembly or replacement o parts. I you do not understand any o the material in this manual or have any questions, contact Mossberg or a qualied gunsmith directly. Do not attempt to load or use any rearm until you have read and understood the inormation contained in its owner’s manual. Beore handling your rearm, you should learn how it operates and how to maintain it. This includes knowing its basic parts, how the manual saety and other saety eatures operate, how to saely open and close the action and how to saely load and unload ammunition rom the rearm.

Improper use and handling is dangerous and could cause serious injury or death to you or those around you. All users o the  rearm must become thoroughly amiliar with the instructions in this manual.

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Alwayspointthemuzzle ofyour rearmin asafe direction,r egardlessofwhether therearmisloadedorunloaded. Alwaystreateveryrearmasifitwereloaded.Giveyourrearmtosomeone withtheactionopen (boltfullyrearw ard) andsafetyfullyrearw ardinthe“ON” (S AFE ) pos iti on aft er you  ver ify  the  r ear m is unl oad ed.  Ins is t on the  sam e procedurewhenreceivingarearmfromsomeoneelse.Learnthelocationof allthesafetyfeaturesofyourrearmandhowtheyoperate. W ear  eye  and  ear  pr ote cti on whe n sh oot ing. Sho oti ng wit hou t pr ope r ear  pr ote cti on can  cau sehearin g dam age. The  use  of eye  pr ote cti on dur ing  any  typeofshootingisimportanttoprotectyoureyesight. Duetotheheavyrecoilofashotgun,maintainanadequatedistancebetweenthe rearofthescope(ifequipped)andyourfaceatalltimes.Becertainthescope installationdoesnotinterferewithaccessto,ortheproperfunctioningofthe safetybutton.

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Learntocleanyourrearmthoroughlyandmakecertainnooil,greaseorother mater ialsare blockingthebarr el.Obstru ction sofanykindcancausedamage totherearmandmayresultinseriouspersonalinjurytotheshooterand/or othersnearby.