Chemical Processes Principles Solutions Manual

/ Comments off - Prepare for exams and succeed in your chemistry course with this comprehensive solutions manual! Featuring worked out-solutions to the problems in PRINCIPLES OF MODERN CHEMISTRY, 7th Edition, this manual shows you how to approach and solve problems using the same step-by-step explanations found in your. Student Solutions Manual for Oxtoby/Gillis' Principles of Modern Chemistry, 7th.

  1. Chemical Processes In The Cell
  2. Elementary Principles Of Chemical Processes Felder Solutions Manual Pdf

Problem Assignments To aid in the structuring of the course, we have provided a section/problem concordance on p. Vii–ix and two sample assignment schedules on p. We believe there is far too much material in the textbook to attempt to cover in one semester or two quarters. The sample assignment schedules therefore cover only Chapters 1-9, and within those chapters some topics are omitted (e.g. Liquid-liquid equilibrium and adsorption on solid surfaces in Chapter 6 and mechanical energy balances in Chapter 7). The missing sections can substitute for Chapters 2 and 3 in classes where the content of those chapters has been well covered in chemistry and/or physics courses), and Chapters 10 (computer flowsheeting) and 1 (transient balances) may be assigned for extra credit or covered in honors sections or subsequent courses in the curriculum. We will discuss the case studies in Chapters 12-14 separately.

In the sample assignment schedules, we have designated a number of “bonus problems” which may be ignored, assigned for extra credit as add-ons to the regular assignments (those will be long assignments), or assigned for extra credit in lieu of some of the problems in the regular assignments. The bonus problems may be assigned as individual exercises or students may work on them in pairs. We have had good experience with the latter approach. Creativity Exercises The creativity exercises in the text are designed to stimulate divergent thinking and to induce the students to think about course material from different perspectives. We have used such exercises both as extra-credit assignments to individuals or pairs of students or as the foci of in-class brainstorming sessions.

In all cases, we have found that they invariably lead to innovative, clever, and often amusing ideas; they give students who are by nature creative an opportunity to demonstrate their talent and they help other students develop creative problem-solving skills; and the students usually enjoy doing them. There are no “right answers” to such exercises, and so we have not included solutions in this manual. However, to provide an idea of the kind of things that students come up with, we have included on p. Xi–xv a collection of student responses to a creativity exercise given by one of the authors in a junior course on fluid dynamics.

Transparency Masters Several of our colleagues have suggested that we include in the text enlarged versions of some of the figures, such as the psychometric charts, which are difficult to read in reduced format. We have chosen not to do so, since whether they are inserts or fold-outs such charts tend to be ripped off (one way or another) or otherwise lost.

Instead, we have included in this manual, beginning on p. Xvi, large versions of some of the most commonly used figures. These masters can be used to make transparencies for lectures; they can also be copied and distributed to the students for use in solving problem. Case Studies The case studies comprise Chapters 12 through 14 of the text. In them, we seek to (1) illustrate the development of complex chemical processes from basic principles, and to provide a broad process context for the text material; (2) raise questions that require students to think about topics strictly beyond the scope of the first course, and to seek out sources of information other than the text; (3) accustom the students to team project work.


We do not organize the activities of case study teams, nor do we assign team leaders, although we suggest to the students that they do so. This is a risk, and sometimes it is necessary to step in and get a laggard group started. However, letting the teams shape their own working relationships and structure their own activities usually is an enlightening experience to the students. Problem Solutions The detailed solutions to 634 of the 635 chapter-end problems constitute the principal content of this manual.

(The solution to the last problem of Chapter 10 is left as an exercise for the professor, or for anyone else who wants to do it.) With few exceptions, the conversion factors and physical property data needed to solve the endof-chapter problems are contained in the text. It may be presumed that conversion factors for which sources are not explicitly cited come from the front cover table; densities, latent heats, and critical constants come from Table B.1; heat capacity formulas come from Table B.2; enthalpies of combustion gases come from Tables B.8 and B.9; vapor pressures come from Table B.4 or (for water) Table B.3; and enthalpies, internal energies, and specific volumes of water at different temperatures and pressures come from Tables B.5-B.7. As the reader of the text may have discovered, we believe strongly in the systematic use of the flow charts in the solution of material and energy balance problems. When a student comes to us to ask for help with a problem, we first ask to see the labeled flow chart: no flow chart, no help. Other instructors we know demand fully labeled flow charts and solution outlines at the beginning of every problem solution, before any calculations are performed. In any case, we find that the students who can be persuaded to adopt this approach generally complete their assignments in reasonable periods of time and do well in the course; most of those who continue to resist it find themselves taking hours to do the homework problems, and do poorly in the course. Posting Problem Solutions: An Impassioned Plea It is common practice for instructors to photocopy solutions from the manual and to post them after the assignments are handed in, or, even worse, to distribute the solutions to the students.

Chemical Processes In The Cell

What happens then, of course, is that the solutions get into circulation and reincarnate with increasing frequency as student solutions. After one or two course offerings, the homework problems consequently lose much of their instructional value and become more exercises in stenography than engineering problem solving. In the stoichiometry course particularly, the concepts are relatively elementary: the main point is to teach the students to set up and solve problems. A great deal of classroom lecturing on concepts should therefore not be necessary, and a good deal of the class time can be spent in outlining problem solutions. The burden should be placed on the students to make sure they know how to do the problems: to ask about them in class, to make notes on solutions outlined on the board, and to fill in omitted calculations. Besides being pedagogically superior to solution-posting, this approach should cut down on the ease with which students can simply copy letter-perfect solutions instead of doing the work themselves. Errors A great deal of time and effort has been expended to make the solutions in this manual as free of errors as possible.

Elementary Principles Of Chemical Processes Felder Solutions Manual Pdf

Nevertheless, errors undoubtedly still exist. We will be grateful to any of our colleagues who send us corrections, no matter how major or minor they may be; we will provide an errata list on the text Web site (and make the corrections in subsequent printings of the text. Key:i-Routine drill j-Application k-Longer or more challenging.-Computer solution required CHAPTER 2 Section Problems, 14-15.

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