Sorvall Rc5b Plus Service Manual

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  1. Sorvall Rc 5b Plus Service Manual

Sorvall® CentrifugesThis manual is a guide for service of theSORVALL® RC-5 and RC-5B CentrifugesData herein has been verified and validated and is believed adequate for the intended useof the centrifuges. If the centrifuges or procedures are used for purposes over and abovethe capabilities specified herein, confirmation of their validity and suitability should beobtained, otherwise, DuPont does not guarantee results and assumes no obligation orliability. This publication is not a license to operate under, nor a recommendation toinfringe upon. Any process patents.This service manual is intended for use only by qualified service personnel.


Due to thehigh electrical potential in the centrifuges described herein, untrained individuals mustnot attempt any of the procedures contained in this service manual.This service manual is intended as a service aid. Sorvall® Centrifuges Table of ContentsTable of ContentsParagraph PageSection 1. Scope of the Manual. Warnings and Cautions.

Using This Manual. Troubleshooting Information. Trouble Diagnosis. Service Decontamination Policy. Warranty Responsibility. 1-8Section 2. Purpose of Equipment.

Controls and Indicators. Routine Inspection and Cleaning. 2-10Section 3.

THEORY OF OPERATION3-1. RC-5 Theory of Operation. RC-5B Theory of Operation. Summary of HOLD and RUN Modes. 3-6Section 4.

Sorvall Rc 5b Plus Service Manual

DRIVE SYSTEM CIRCUIT4-1. Drive Motor Circuit. Drive Motor Enable Circuit. Brake Circuit. Brush Warning Circuit. Speed Control Circuit.

Zero Speed Detector Circuit. 4-174-8 Overspeed Detector Circuit. Matic Rate Controller Circuit, RC-5B.


Door Interlock Circuit.