Waukesha Overhaul Manuals

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Wauk 'Service' and 'Operators' manuals were sometimes updated, evidenced by 'edition -' on the cover. They were also sloppy with 'Service' and 'Operators'-some had complete overhaul info, fits/clearances, some didn't. Wauk Eng Hist Soc (wehs.net) has manuals but no parts; manuals are usually on EBay, etc, if you know what the latest edition number is. Parts books I don't know about; if ordering parts book from wehs, show ALL info on tag and advise ALL gen info, as there seems to be more than one FC parts book-I have one that shows some unlabelled connections on the intake manifold, which I understand is for a vacuum governor used on FC's in Fairmont Railway Cars, which is shown in an FC parts book held by a Railway Car owner. Your engine is FC; everything following is works code for the original accessories (carb, ign, etc etc) on your engine.

Waukesha Manuals

ManualsManualsWaukesha manuals

With the serial # etc from the tag wehs can tell you when yours was built, etc. Looking for parts??