755 Ford Backhoe Manual
I have requested any information on various message boards before (but not here). A few years back I saw and took a single picture of a Ford 775 backhoe while on a christmas-time holiday in Ontario, Canada. The machine is particularly larger than the backhoe machines I'm use to, also having 4 equal sized wheels and a general purpose loader bucket which seems perhaps the tool of choice in the US as well? I did contact New Holland one time to enquire about this machine, they said there was some material available but none was ever forthcoming (and that was over a year ago now).
Ford 755a Backhoe
So can anyone fill me in on this rather large backhoe? One reply I did get said the machine was not sold in the US for some reason which may make it a very rare machine?! Thanks for any reply. Click to expand.And patience is a virtue! Tolerance helps too!:drinkup Thanks for the replies. There is far less chance of me finding something for that machine over here in the UK where shipping prices wouldn't cost an arm and a leg even for a 4-page brochure with its packaging. That is why I stopped eBaying with sellers from all over the world.:Banghead I guess just seeing that operation manual has given me hope yet though!
Ford Tractor Attachment Parts
I wonder if the machine is still there, next to a chicken farm not far outside of Kitchener.